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5 Reasons to Choose OnMat for Martial Art School Management

November 24, 2020 • JIBASoft INC

OnMat is undoubtedly the most intuitive, innovative, and powerful martial art school management software out there. With OnMat you can now manage your members their time schedules, classes, and anything else that you might ever need. Developed by JIBASoft, OnMat will help you keep the management of your martial arts school in control and succeed in the business. With the easy to use, user-friendly and powerful Martial Art School Software, you will have all the solutions for all your martial art school management problems.

Here are 5 reasons to choose OnMat for martial art school management-

1. Incredible and apt member management and secure billings and payments-

JIBASoft’sOnMat is very powerful, innovative, and affordable Martial Arts Members Management Software. It will provide you with amazing membership management solutions for your martial art school. OnMat lets you organize your members’ data easily and keep them perfectly categorized and organized for the future. With OnMat software, you can easily save all relevant personal information of your members and you can easily keep a check on all their activities, attendance, competitions, results, and everything else. OnMat is a user-friendly software that easily and carefully streamlines each and every aspect of Martial Arts Members Management like automated billings, expiring memberships, late payments, check-in, SMS and email communication, automated email receipts, membership portals, and everything else that you might ever need.

The payment portal for your members with OnMat’s martial arts integrated billing software is very secure and encrypted to ensure maximum safety and privacy for all their billing and payment procedures.

With OnMat’s Martial Arts Studio Software now you can easily manage and even check your students’ data, personal information, class schedules, and everything else in just a few clicks. It is fast, reliable, easy ad a super affordable solution to all your martial art school management problems.

2. Remote check-in, attendance tracking, and online classes.

With OnMat’s Martial Arts Management Software, you get an easy remote check-in feature with which your students can now easily check into their classes be it online and offline classes, with their phones. They can easily log in, check their attendance online, and keep a track of their own attendance data, belt exams, bills, receipts and invoices, results for their competitions, and all you special announcements with this amazing Martial Arts Billing Software. It is easy for your students to keep a check on their own progress and it is way easy for you to keep a check on your students, their schedules, attendance, and progress.

You can now easily provide online classes to your students and get on with your course. This is especially important now in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic.

3. Easy registration, rollover, and expiring membership notification

OnMat is very smart and intuitive Martial Arts Student Management software that lets any new members of your school easily register. Any new member in your martial art school can now register themselves online on your database from their own IOS or Android devices. They can make secure payments, customize their own portal, and even safely sign contracts related to their course.

OnMat also automatically rolls over any membership that is expiring soon to a month to month. It also lets you or the members set up auto-renewal of their memberships with the percentage increase.

It also automatically notifies your members via SMS or Email that their membership is about to expire soon. These SMS or email reminders can also be fully customized by you.

All of this saves you a lot of time, makes the whole process super quick and convenient to making OnMat the top martial arts school software.

4. Use pictures to customize your database, take notes, and easily communicate with a single or all members with OnMat-

OnMat’s Dojo Management Software uses the inbuilt camera of your IOS or Android device and lets you customize your members’ profiles with their own pictures. This makes managing their data easier and organizing their profiles quicker and better.

If you make an observation about a member, want to talk to them about something after class, give them a tip or suggestion later, you can take the note down on the OnMat app. You will never have to worry about forgetting something and never have to remember, you can just take it down and go to it later.

Classes require easy and smooth communication to avoid friction, confusion about everything like the class schedule, attendance, and teaching. With OnMat you can easily use its built-in text feature and get your messages out immediately to a certain member or to all of them depending on the information.

OnMat and its best Martial Arts Billing Software are here to make your martial art school management experience smooth, easy, and unreal.

5. Send welcome email, reminders to missing members or lockout your old members easily and quickly-

OnMat’s dojo tuition collection software automatically sends a welcome email to any member who has newly registered. This welcome email will provide your new members with all the relevant information about your school and your system. It includes all the relevant policies, guidelines, contracts, and rules sent as an attachment with a fully customizable email to welcome your new members.

OnMat comes with an amazing MIA feature which automatically sends email reminders to those members who have not been coming regularly to your classes and haven’t been regularly checked in. This feature also lets you keep track of such irregular members and communicate with them.

JIBASoft’s martial art school management software, OnMat’s dojo payment collection software also comes with a feature that automatically locks out those members who have not paid for their membership after a certain number of days. The number of days will be determined and decided upon by you. OnMat is a dojo business software that even lets you define and allocate digital awards to your members for the achievements of their goals and excel in their skill.


OnMat is your one solution to all your management problems. This martial art school management software will let you easily and skilfully manage your school with its amazing features and a user-friendly yet powerful interface at very budget-friendly and affordable prices.

Connect with us today for a free demo.