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Why Should You Automate The Management of Your Martial Arts Studio?

Martial arts school management seems to be a small entity, but in reality, it is not. It is the process of managing staff, members, keeping track of inventory, accessories, equipment, and essential amenities up to the minute and ready. With all these responsibilities in hand, the role of martial arts studio owners manifolds which sometimes… Continue reading Why Should You Automate The Management of Your Martial Arts Studio?

How The Journey Of JIBASoft’s OnMat Started?

OnMat by JIBASoft has been a great ice breaker between many martial arts school owners and their responsibilities of managing the entire studio apart from playing the role of a trainer. It has given me an extra hand to take care of the whole of administrative burden before it could start piling up and creating… Continue reading How The Journey Of JIBASoft’s OnMat Started?